Do Licensed Practical Nurses Work in Hospitals in Florida?

Find out if Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) are employed in hospitals in Florida. Learn about Magnet Hospitals and their competitive hiring process.

Do Licensed Practical Nurses Work in Hospitals in Florida?

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) are not typically employed in hospitals in Florida. Instead, they are more commonly found working in nursing homes, clinics, offices, and psychiatrists' offices, where they administer medications. Nurses who work in Magnet Hospitals, however, report higher job satisfaction, fewer injuries, and more opportunities for advancement. These hospitals are some of the most prestigious facilities in the country and have a rigorous hiring process that only selects the best of the best.

Military veterans who have completed programs to become doctors, technicians, or hospital equivalents do not meet the requirements for any nursing license in Florida.

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